Aug 19Liked by Kathryn Barbash, PsyD

Such a nice piece! I can relate. I love reading the Sunday paper, feeling it in my hands, getting ink on my fingers (ok don't love that part, lol), and yes, totally get the dog poop bags...we use those for our pups! Beautifully written piece :)

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Thank you Kay! It is a total sensory experience, ink on fingers included.

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Aug 19Liked by Kathryn Barbash, PsyD

I am so delighted by this article! I had already decided to ask for a physical newspaper for my birthday this year! I want my kid to experience the joy of news in print. I want her to see how we would read all sorts of things (not just what an arbitrary algorithm thought we’d want to read). The absolutely delicious sensation of having slow breakfast over the news. Recycling the paper by using it for all sorts of things. I am so excited now I can’t wait!

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Isn't it funny that the print version of the newspaper is now an indulgence or gift? I so enjoy reading a headline and just turning the page. Some days I read most of the paper and some days much less without any algorithm intervening. And the bonus is that we have more crafting materials.

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Aug 19Liked by Kathryn Barbash, PsyD

Ahh I do miss sitting down and reading the papers (especially the Sunday morning papers) — it maybe sounds odd but it used to feel like such a *grown-up* thing to do — but it’s just prohibitively expensive now where I am (U.K.)

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Yes, it's frustrating how inaccessible it is now due to cost. It does feel like an indulgence to pay for now. And I totally agree it does feel like the grown-up thing to do.

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Sep 1Liked by Kathryn Barbash, PsyD

I used to love getting the Sunday NYT delivered to my apartment every day years ago when I lived in Connecticut. Luxuriating with all those sheets of paper, knowing I would never get through the whole thing so I'd stash parts of the paper like the book review in a closet for future reference. By the time I moved I had an overflowing pile of papers! Nowadays I stick with the digital version, but I do miss that ritual of opening up the actual paper, feeling the texture of it, letting my eyes skip along the columns for articles I want to read... thanks for the reminder!

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Thank you Maia.

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Aug 24Liked by Kathryn Barbash, PsyD

Love this! I feel this way about magazines. Finding one in the mailbox feels like Christmas Day! And reading it on a slow morning with hot coffee is the ultimate treat. Thanks for reminding me how much I love that feeling!

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Yes, a magazine is so joyful as well!

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Aug 21Liked by Kathryn Barbash, PsyD

The newspaper! So many memories! There used to be a morning and evening paper delivered. And the 12-year-olds that delivered the paper had to walk around the neighborhood once a week and collect money from their customers. 12-year-olds walking around with pockets full of cash! I also equate reading a Sunday paper with being very adult! Even though I only ever read the entertainment sections.

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There is some family lore that my older brother had a paper route and he was sick or had a broken bone or something, so my father, attorney at law, had to go around delivering the newspaper in the wee hours before work.

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Aug 22Liked by Kathryn Barbash, PsyD

It was seriously one of the hardest jobs ever! Only the truly dedicated could survive! And if people didn’t get their papers…

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Aug 19Liked by Kathryn Barbash, PsyD

We don't have a physical newspaper in our house--yet. I think the local Sunday will be one of my newshound child's birthday presents.

As for what I slow down with? Keeping track of the moon phases so that I can watch the full moon rise is a favorite--we're back in the season where it is cool enough to go look for it again.

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Oooh what a cool idea for a kid's birthday present. The full moon can be so magical, what a lovely thing to slow down with.

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We stopped subscribing to the metro paper, but we never fail to read our weekly community newspaper. It's fun to see names inthe news we know and to learn about local happenings. My neighbors, especially those with kids in school, are weekly readers as well.

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Oh yes, we love friend sightings in our local newspaper, too!

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Aug 19Liked by Kathryn Barbash, PsyD

I don't read a physical newspaper but I love this idea. I far prefer paper books to electronic, it just makes the interaction with the ideas more tangible and thus a richer experience. And I also have memories of the sounds, sights, and smells of my dad reading his newspaper!

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The newspaper is a total sensory experience, it takes me back to childhood. I also prefer the book experience although I appreciate the convenience of e-books for travel but it does mean a different reading experience.

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