May 16Liked by Kathryn Barbash, PsyD

The timing for this couldn’t be more perfect as we come out of a global awe-inducing event like having the northern lights paint the sky in our backyards (which didn’t happen to me and I’m still bitter).

So happy you published a post about it. Just thinking about awe gets me excited about all the amazing things around us. It really helps to tap into my kid’s sense of awe. When I opened the attic door in front of her for the first time, it was wonderful to see her jaw hanging open, stunned that there was a part of the house yet undiscovered and seeing it, frankly, took my breath away.

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Oh yes, follow children-they know a thing or two about awe. I painted my daughter's nails for the first time this week and she was just enamored by the process. To watch your nails transform is awe for a little one. It just reminds you how many ways you can find awe when you are open to it.

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I read Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder by Dacher Keltner recently, and his research found that one of the main sources of human awe for people is something called “moral beauty.” Witnessing the acts of courage and compassion of our fellow humans. A couple of weeks ago I watched a film about a survivor of Auschwitz. Overwhelming, incomprehensible, touching, inspiring… knowing about this type of awe has opened my eyes.

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That is beautiful Marika, thank you for sharing. There is something amazing about how we can be inspired by others to the level of awe. It reflects how deeply human the experience of awe is, I feel like I can stuck in a thought spiral for awhile about it (but a good thought spiral).

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Thank you for this article, Kathryn! These awe moments are something that I have experienced many times in my life, and yes, it is hard sometimes to even describe with our mortal words how it feels. To me, it feels like being somewhat connected and being part of something bigger, wiser, and beautiful. I've had these moments while travelling and visiting old castles, churches, famous paintings, etc., or being very close to wild nature — exotic animal, the ocean, meteor showers, breathtaking views in the mountains. I recall my last awe moment as if it happened yesterday — I was holding my older boy in my arms, belly to belly, while sitting with my legs crossed on the floor. My muscles and body remembered, in that very moment, holding him in exactly the same position as a newborn baby and swaying side to side. It is difficult to express how I felt, but it was overwhelming and beautiful at the same time.

Again, thank you for this important insight and reminder to look for "awes" as they surround us. ❤️

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The muscle/body memory--what a beautiful awe inspiring moment! I am so glad that you enjoyed the piece.

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May 13Liked by Kathryn Barbash, PsyD

Thanks for bringing this book to my attention, it sounds like something I would really enjoy! The 100/1000/5000 year exercise is a good one.

Making space for awe and wonder is important to me. Like you said, I don't always get to awe in my everyday life, but I run into other good things along the way. A few years ago, I began using my IG account as a container for something similar to the question "What can you find awe for today?" and I try to add to it most days. That means I have to look! It connects me to my neighborhood and the passage of time and what makes my heart leap up. This morning, my awe was noting how the ducklings at the pond have grown. I almost didn't realize they were the ducklings, because they are losing the last of their baby color pattern. There are so many beautiful things in this hard world.

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Oh great, I am so glad. I listened to it during a really hectic week and I found I felt so much happier and hopeful after listening to it.

The ducklings, I love it! At my son's preschool there is a pond with geese that we visit when we leave school. We have been watching the babies grow and it has been really lovely to see it and amazing how quickly they grow!

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